Now you may wonder why, as a single-mum. Who recently separated from her partner. Also has a 3 year old son who doesn’t like going to sleep.Why I would take on the task of trying to start my own business? Or you may be one of those women who like a challenge. No matter how crazy, or how much work it may seem you just have to give it a go?
Just to rationalise to those who think I am/was a bit crazy you might be right. However there was reasoning behind my decision to start a business:
- Being there for sports days, and sick days etc.
- The flexibility of running my own business for the school run.
- Being able to juggle things around in the holidays and have a bit more time to spend with my son.
My Independence and Business
I also wanted something to keep me busy in the evening when Harry went to bed. It would be so easy to fall into a rut of drinking wine and watching tv every evening. I knew that I didn’t want to do that, and so starting a business would be the perfect thing. Also it would meet my demands of being a single mum. Also it would stop me staring into the bottom of a wine glass every evening, perfect! Plus, within 12 months I would be able to give up my full time job and concentrate solely on the business. Which would of course be making me mega bucks by now, if it goes to plan. I’d be working remotely from a beach in Spain for the summer holidays. Along with controlling my little empire from anywhere (with wifi) in the world, genius!
In reality, I put in more hours than I ever had, worked harder than I ever have. Almost a year after launching the business, I still have my day job! Don’t get me wrong, things are going well, I’m getting great feedback from my customers and the products are selling. I just don’t think my idea of success and how fast things would progress were anywhere near reality.
Freedom Flexibility and Hard Work
Starting and running your own business is bloody hard work. Especially doing it as a single mum working full time puts extra pressure, and time restraints, on everything. I worry that my son will just think Mummy is either ‘at work’. Or working in the kitchen on the laptop all the time. I always try and make time for him, and we always have Saturday to ourselves, and I try not to turn my laptop on in the evening, but its hard. I do hope that it will all pay off in a year or two and I will be able to give up the day job. Then just focus on Mother & Nature solely and give it the full time attention it deserves.
The Strive For The Perfect Maternity Rain Jacket 
All I can say is thank goodness for Grandparents! They pick up Harry from school 2 or 3 nights a week, and take him for a few hours before returning him home for bath and bed. I then sometimes get another hour or two at the laptop, depending on how long it takes Harry to get to sleep. However sometimes not, and I go to bed early, tired and defeated! He also goes to his Dad’s a couple of nights a week, so I do get a couple of nights’ respite.
It is hard work, and would I change it? No, there are things I would do differently, but wouldn’t we all!