Hurrah, you’ve done it, you’ve got through your 1st trimester and now you should begin to look pregnant and be able to show off your bump. The 2nd trimester is when you’ll have more energy, look good and feel better. How to stay active during pregnancy. Here are 5 ways you can make the most of weeks 13 to 28!. I am still dreaming of creating my active maternity wear !
No more morning sickness? – Enjoy your food
Now is the time to start eating again. If you’ve had a bad time with morning sickness, no doubt you haven’t felt like eating at all, never mind going out to a restaurant. Most people who have morning sickness will start to feel better around week 14. If you do start to feel better and your appetite comes back, you can now enjoy a romantic meal with your partner or a night out with the girls or lunch with your mum. Do it in this trimester because as your bump gets bigger you’ll feel less inclined to late nights or sitting on a dining room chair for long periods.
Your bump isn’t so big you can’t move around – Take a break
Very soon you’re going to have lavish all your attention on your little bundle, so spend some quality time with your partner and have a break for just the two of you. If you already have children, see if they can stay with Grandparents for a few days. You can fly away to a relaxing beach resort, or take a city break somewhere you’ve always wanted to explore.
You’re looking good – Try some pampering
The 2nd trimester is usually the time you’ll start noticing that your skin and hair look better. Your skin should glow and your hair becomes glossy and thick. Now’s the time to pamper yourself. Have some fun with friends and look for somewhere that does spa sessions for mum’s to be. A massage, a pedicure or a manicure will leave you feeling fabulous.
Feeling more energetic? – Take advantage at bedtime
You probably didn’t feel like sex in your 1st trimester if you were suffering from morning sickness and chronic tiredness. The 3rd trimester might be more problematic as you get bigger and the tiredness returns. Take advantage of your energy levels now and enjoy your time in the bedroom. Sex is perfectly safe during pregnancy and you might find that you have a higher libido during this time, so make the most of it!
Do you know if you’re having a boy or girl? – Now you can have fun shopping
You can usually find out whether you’re having a boy or girl during your 18- week scan. Most hospitals will tell you, although some won’t. If you do know, now you can start planning the nursery colour scheme and picking out your favourite outfits and short listing baby names. It’s also a good time to arrange a baby shower to share the news with friends and family, unless of course you want to keep it a secret.